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  • Is acupuncture painful?
    No. The needles are very thin and usually you don't feel them at all. By certain acupuncture points you might feel a mosquito sting that quickly disappears. What I do want you to feel is "the Qi sensation," a kind of tingling or current. It is a sign that your body is actively responding to the treatment.
  • Are there any side effects?
    Most people feel nicely relaxed after a treatment, but it can happen that you'll feel more tired than usual till the end of the day. Very rarely you might get a small bruise on the point were a needle was inserted.
  • Are the needles sterile?
    Yes! The needles are sterile and disposable, wrapped in plastic. After a single use, they are disposed in a special container.
  • Which complaints respond well to acupuncture?
    - Headache and migraine - Hay fever and allergies - Sleep issues - Digestive issues - Backpain (including neck, shoulders and hips) - Skin issues and asthma - Hyperventilation - Menstruation issues - Infertility - Pregnancy support and preparation for birth - Menopause symptoms - Depression - Stress and Burn-out - Fatigue and lack of energy
  • How do I know an acupuncturist is good?
    It's important that the practitioner is member of a professional organisation that has high standards, such as Zhong of NVA. Those are the biggest and most important in the Netherlands. I'm a member of Zhong.
  • How many treatments are needed?
    That depends from your issue. If it's a matter of acute pain, you'll feel already during your first treatment an appreciable improvement. For more chronic conditions more treatments are needed. In general I want to see some results within 6-8 appointments.
  • How often should I come?
    That depends on your complaint. If it is about acute pain, I'd like to see you weekly (or if possible, twice a week) in the beginning. The longest you stay painfree, the more time we can let between appointments. If your complaint is chronic then a high frequency makes no sense. Once every 3-4 weeks is enough to slowly bring changes in your system. For recurrent complaints I recommend 4 treatments per year around the change of season to help your body cope well with nature and temperature changes.
  • Will my appointment be reimbursed by my health insurance?
    I am affiliated with professional association Zhong and umbrella organization KAB, therefore my treatments are partially reimbursed by the supplementary package of most health insurances. A referral is not necessary.
  • Is a referral letter necessary?
    No, no referral is necessary, you can just make directly an appointment.
  • When can I make an appointment?
    I work on Mondays and Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Please choose a convenient time via my webiste or contact me by phone or message. Outside those times I might be able to come to you for an appointment, contact me to see if that's possible. In this case I calculate 10€ extra for traveling costs.
  • Where is your practice located?
    Tt. Vasumweg 24a, close to the NDSM, above the shop Tool Station. Should you be coming by car, please remember that in this area you have to pay parking.
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